Monday, February 23, 2015

The Tale of the Sailors

Over the last month or so, my town has suffered a terrible famine. We had not had enough food to go around for quite some time when a group of sailors carrying a cargo full of wheat stopped in our port. I approached them and asked for a portion of their wheat to give to the townspeople, but they said that they were concerned about bringing less wheat to their destination than was promised. I told them that if they were to give wheat to the town, I would ensure that they measured up at the next weighing station. They were so generous that they gave us TWO YEARS' supply of wheat! I prayed to God that the sailors would be compensated for such a generous act. Surely enough, when they reached their destination, they weighed up perfectly at the station. The Lord had blessed them and refilled their vessel of all the wheat they had spared to us. That is the grace and power of God.

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